
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday Photo Spam

Just a few recent photos off my phone to brighten up an otherwise dull Wednesday. 

Chihuahua Nonsense

Huge moth by the front door

Me and my friend Drea enjoying her pool

I've seen this truck a couple times on my way to work and it never fails to make me laugh. The tailgate says "South Cali Grown". 

And finally, my little pet mouse Marty.

Hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Irrational Annoyances

     The older I get, the longer the list of things that irrationally annoy me gets. Now, irrational annoyances are different than things that you think need to be changed for the world to move forward. I hate sexism, racism, animal cruelty, poverty, and the deplorable way America cares for veterans and the homeless. Those don't make this list because they are so incredibly important. No, irrational annoyances are things that you find annoying that other people may love or do or just be ambivalent about. 
     Like anything else of this nature, irrational annoyances tend to cause some difference of opinion between people, but since this is my blog, and only about three people actually ever look at it, I figure I can list them here without causing too much offense. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. The Red Hot Chili Peppers 
2. America's obsession with bacon
3. People who don't use their turn signals
4. Television shows where a schlumpy dumb creep is married to a smart babe (that's not a real thing guys)
5. Health food nuts who are so fervent they can't relax and eat a candy bar once in awhile
6. Raw onions in breakfast foods
7. People who eat gluten-free but don't have Celiac's disease
8. Advertisements that are simply a mostly naked woman holding/eating/using the product (I know sex sells, but come on. At least have a little more imagination than that)
9. People who text back one word answers when you just sent them a paragraph about something
10. People who don't like Christmas music (Scrooges!) 
11. People who take longer than a minute or so to order in a drive-thru line
12. The Foo Fighters
13. Little kids who run around loose in a restaurant (control your spawn!)
14. Creamy peanut butter (what is the point??)
15. Cars with bumper stickers that I disagree with (I know, I know, I know. This is SO irrational. Obviously your bumper stickers can say whatever you want. I just get SO annoyed when I see one that I blatantly disagree with)
16. People who don't floss
17. People who say "go down to LA" when LA is totally north of where we are
18. People who don't cover their mouths/noses when they sneeze
19. Oreos 
20. Commercials where kids talk to the camera like adults
21. People who are proud of how they "don't read much"

Anybody disagree? Anybody have any irrational annoyances that I missed? 

You know you have some...