
Monday, December 31, 2012

Remembrances and Resolutions

So today I'm both reflecting on the notable highlights from my past year, and compiling a list of resolutions for 2013. First, the fun of 2012:

     If you don't know who Misha Collins is, please google him immediately then fall deeply in love with those bluest of blue eyes. Ahem. Allow me to interrupt your drooling for a second. In addition to be an incredible looking fellow and a good actor, he is also a decent human being. He created a charity called Random Acts of Kindness which encourages people to commit random acts of kindness in their own communities. The charity at large, raises money so they can go commit larger acts of kindness, like building houses for people in Haiti, still dealing with the fallout from the hurricane several years ago. He also is Weird. Weird. Weird. Weird. And that's where we get to GISHWHES. GISHWHES stands for Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen, and this year, along with the boyfriend, one of my closest girl friends, her husband and extended family, and some random Scots and a Spaniard, I partook. GISHWHES' motto is "Death to Normalcy!" with a second emphasis on finding art in everyday life, and a third emphasis on random acts of kindness. A selection of the random things I did: made a pledge to commit a random act of kindness before the end of 2012, made a Jello snow angel on my kitchen floor, made an outfit made out of 21 different pieces of material and stood at "attention" outside the local post office, dressed up in only kitchen items and had a mock kitchen gear battle with my girl friend Drea, and perhaps my favorite, wore a dress made entirely of cheese and posed in front of a 1979 Lotus.
     GISHWHES was an utterly fabulous experience. It brought me out of my shell to a greater extent than I have been in a long time, and reminded me just how little I care what people think. I highly recommend participating in GISHWHES to everyone. And oh yeah, did I mention that the winning team gets a 3 night trip to Scotland to stay in a haunted castle with the inestimable Misha? My team didn't win (grrr...) but I have high hopes for next year.

2. The Tinsel Triathlon.
     I ran cross country and track in high school. My dad is a outside sales rep for a major bike company. When I was little I took swimming lessons, and was on the local swim team in middle school. So how is it that I never did a triathlon before this year? I finally changed that this month. I ran 3.1 miles, then biked 12 miles, then swam 150 meters. It only took me an hour and 21 minutes, and I was tenth in my age group and 383rd overall (out of about 800).
     Will I ever do another one? Hell yes! I have caught the tri bug now. I got such a sense of accomplishment from finishing this one, that I can't wait for my next one!

3. No Car Accidents.
     Yes indeed, this year there were ZERO car accidents for Alex which is a marked improvement over previous years. Perhaps I've finally become the sort of driver that my parents always dreamed I would be.

4. Formula Ford Race.
     The boyfriend races Formula Ford race cars and this year, November actually, marked the first time that he's raced since we've been together. I have a lot of misgivings about the whole racing thing, mostly because of the danger involved (shudder) but also because of the pile of money that he drops every time he goes to the track. However, I sucked those up and rode out with his family to Desert Center, CA (we stayed in Palm Desert, near Palm Springs) and watched my fellow race. Well, he's pretty good. Pretty damn good. He won both days and set a new track record for his type of car. I had a lot more fun than I thought I would, partially because of the people he pits with and partially because it's always fun to see someone you love kick some serious butt.

5. My Family.
     I have the greatest family ever, both extended (see experience 6) and immediate. It's just my mom, my dad, and me in my immediate family but I can't imagine anything different. My mom is my best friend on the planet and my dad couldn't be a better father. They make every year awesome, and 2012 was no exception.

6. The Annual Minnesota Vacation.
     In 2011, we didn't go back to see our extended family in Minnesota, mostly because I couldn't get the time off work. I took 10 days off in late August/early September and we escaped to the beloved homeland. My cousins kick butt, you guys. Especially my cousin who is a year or so younger than me. She absolutely rocks. I have no siblings, so having a cousin that's almost a sister is bliss.
     Minnesota itself? Brilliant. Make all the jokes you want (and don't you dare say Minn-e-soo-ta in that hateful way), but it's a pretty forward thinking place. Just this past year, they struck down two laws, one of which would make same-sex marriage illegal and one that would require I.D. when voting. They are way into progressive thinking out there. It's also gorgeous x10,000 and Minneapolis/St. Paul has a pretty fly music/art/theatre scene.

7. Supernatural Con.
     My best girl friend, her sister-in-law, and her nieces, all of whom I also did GISHWHES with, and I went to Dallas for a Supernatural Convention. Yup, the show Supernatural. I'm a little bit obsessed, especially with the older seasons, and we had an awesome weekend full of booze and dishy men. I got to put my arm around Mark Sheppard (Firefly, Warehouse 13, Doctor Who, and of course Supernatural) and Sebastian Roche (yum yum!). I met Mark Pellegrino (who told me I was "really pretty") and had a drink with Richard Speight Jr. (Band of Brothers anyone?). Misha Collins couldn't make it because his wife was having a baby (pssshhh...) but other than that, the weekend was pure perfection.

8. Learning to Sew.
     So for Christmas, my mom got me a sewing machine. You guys, I'm already sewing up a storm. It may make me sound like Ma Ingalls (Little House book series anyone?) but I can't wait to start making clothes for myself.

Resolutions for 2013:
1. Take more photos.
     I don't have nearly enough photos of 2012.
2. Run a half-marathon.
     I already signed up for one on May 5th.
3. Get healthier.
     Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't have a real issue with how much I weigh, but I do need to start eating less crap food. You get out of your body what you put in.
4. Blog more.
5. Write more.
     I want to finish my novel that I've started and I want to submit some of my writing for publication.

Happy New Year (almost) everyone!